Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Here's a not-so-much of an outtake and a probably-couple-of-outtakes from my shoot yesterday with blackxmas... my favorite Lawrence-born band. Nothing comes close to touching the sound they make while packed into a small venue. The Replay. The Jackpot. And hopefully, one day, the basement where they practice. I go to watch their shows.. but eventually close my eyes and experience the music. I am left numb... wanting more.

It's a lyricless music and they'd like to sell it to movie scores.. And as I sit here typing and listening to their streaming music from a myspace page.. I can't think of a better suit. There's something about a properly pieced film, paired with just the right music.. you know your favorite movie during a stunning scene and the score complements it perfectly.. you feel like you're there.. or that you wish you had moments in your life that were so compelling.. The kind of moments where maybe nothing is really happening but you're drawn in and your heart beats a little deeper... for maybe a few seconds.

The kind of music you put into your cd player while driving down a familiar road and all the emotion comes rushing back.. you grip the wheel and drive faster..

We've been trying to get together for pictures for awhile now... but schedules kept conflicting. The spiral was Dalin's concept, who is in the center of the photograph. If there is a next time to photograph them, I hope to meet with them and piece together some ideas.. until then, I'm holding out for the chance to make some pictures during a basement practice.

Here's the bands myspace page. Go and listen. And if you can plug your computer into very loud speakers, turn out the lights, lay on the floor and close your eyes.. I urge you to do just that.

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