Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Stepping out of the shadow

This is Danielle, a senior at Lawrence High School. For the majority of her basketball career she's laid dormant, not very out-spoken, a good player but not flashy, taking the backseat to her more flamboyant younger sister, until this season. Danielle has stepped up her play and her season stats rank among the best in the Sunflower League, pushing LHS to a 11-2 record.


kickin off their US tour, lawrence rock band blood on the wall lit up that purple little corner of the replay lounge tonight

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

blanco y azul


Day off. Took the opportunity and hitched a ride with a reporter to El Dorado, Kan. Barack Obama was making a pit stop and I wanted to be there.

Everyone had a camera. Everyone. About 20 minutes before he was supposed to show (which was about an hour before he did show) I snuck up very close in the isles and knelt down next to some folks. I was camping the big CHANGE sign and also jockying for a position close to the ropes, where he would walk by. Was hoping as Obama entered the crowd would explode, and through the commotion I could focus on the sign and blur the rest of the frame. Instead everyone just raised his camera... me too.

I think this race is going to be an interesting one, and I hope to cover it more. Whether directly through the campaigning or focusing more on the issues.

It was a great experience, and really makes me appreciate the folks over at primary circus.

Friday, January 25, 2008


staking out and shooting some general scene-setting pictures on the hill yesterday. noticed this door and some fun shadows.


this was disgusting.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Holga Adventures, continued

More toy camera on the hill. The fearless Yuri Zupanzic, rocking some kind of move at Snow Creek, Missouri.

Booked a flight today to be back out in the Denver area Feb 1-5. Shooting the KU vs. CU game in Boulder. I've never been to Boulder... Going to try to get a day in on Mt. Werner in Steamboat. Or I don't know what.. something.

Monday, January 14, 2008


In the spirit of sharing, I decided to throw this up. Boredom struck, so I went for a walk.
... might take a second to buffer.

Sunday, January 13, 2008


In an attempt push myself to work harder I've decided try and incorporate color more often in my photographs. I've never considered myself much of a photographer of color. This will be an exercise in paying attention, in whatever way it manifests itself. I want to share these, even the most inane ones, on this site. I guess it's more about slowing down and focusing more on details and enjoying the process.

I met Bob Miller a couple of days ago. He was in Washington DC and listened to Martin Luther King Jr. deliver the "I Have a Dream" speech on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial during the Civil Rights Movement. He told me the day he got on the bus to ride down and listen to the speech, he didn't think it would be a big deal. On the bus ride back, he knew he had witnessed history. Mr. Miller has led much of his life according to the ideals of the civil rights movement. He marched in Washington, held demonstrations in the South, the Clan has spat and thrown feces on him. And to this day, he sings the same song.

When he speaks, it's with a tone of compassion and hope. He continues to carry it, and share it with simple gestures and with his words.