Monday, January 14, 2008


In the spirit of sharing, I decided to throw this up. Boredom struck, so I went for a walk.
... might take a second to buffer.


max bittle said...

way to be creative on your day off. you inspired me today!



John Henry said...

Thanks man. Think of it as repaying for all the times you've inspired me. I've been thinking a lot about stop-motion animation lately and on a whim decided to give it a whirl. Now that I've got some of the technical stuff down I think this is something I might try to pursue with a bit more regularity. I think of it as a tangent of video.. and the editing possibilities are numberless, which is something that's also sparking some interest.

Now only had you brought your camera to the horse riding class, I'd have something to read about on your page. How was it?