Monday, December 3, 2007


Trip to the library:

1. "Stay this Moment" Sam Abell
2. "Shooting Blind: Photographs by the Visually Impaired"
3. "The Old Man and the Sea" Ernest Hemmingway

Thumbing through a Robert Capa book, which happened to be past due at said library, prior to the trip. Seems like Capa went everywhere and knew everyone in his day. Two pages in the book contained two pictures of Hemmingway. One, holding a pheasant and gun in a field. Two, the author editing his work at a desk.

In the library I had already secured the two photography books under my arm and was making my way back through the rows of books. Nothing particular in my mind other than I knew I wanted to pick up something, as I'm closing in the finish of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. I chose an aisle and entered, thinking to myself this next book, as books often do, could change my life... totally at random... I'm going down this aisle.

I read the Old Man and the Sea when I was 10 or 11 maybe. Having déjá vu about this moment and the library and where I'm about to go study.

4. "Amadeus" on DVD.

Spent the greater part of the day meandering through the house, changing beat, 99 cent records on my, new to me, record player. Sinatra, Willie, Moody Blues. I have a roll of 120 I'm anxious to develop containing frames of Whitney as a hobo and snaps from the Fresh Produce Pocket Art party from Saturday.

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