three months have passed and i find myself on the same couch, in the same flat of the same seedy Dublin neighborhood. i feel changed, refreshed, more established and with forward momentum embracing the future.
looking back at how i felt when i first walked into this apartment i see gaps in differences in my personality, bravery, even accomplishments. and it's strange, and rewarding, to know that i'm not the same person i was three months ago when i sat here, something has changed. i have that vague feeling of having learned some visceral thing, so real i can smell it in my clothes, the funny sun-bleached color of my beard, the shunned feelings of exhaustion.
i am beginning to wonder what will happen in the next three months, six, twelve. it's not advisable to speculate too much, after all. who will be sitting at this computer? uploading pictures and words to this forum? is the you of five years ago the you of today?
it is nauseating, exciting, to think about. faint aromas of overwhelming carried in on the winds of adventure.

You're passing through portals... of the spirit and mind.
I made some cell phone photos of reflections in colorful El Paso clothing stores this last week.
These photos are amazing (as per usual), jph. I've looked at all the ones you've posted since I last saw you ages ago. I like seeing this .1% of what you're seeing. Tanzania is so hot. There are no cool fingerless gloves here.
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