Hello. Hello. It has been far too long. But alas, I come bearing good news. On Dec. 22, 2007, I gave witness to a spectacular event.
My dearest friend, Skyler Atkinson, was married.
He and his wife, Amber, allowed me the pleasure of photographing them before and after the ceremony. As best man, neither was too keen on me taking pictures of the two of them during the ceremony. I totally regret not convincing them to let me shoot a few pictures though. I don't think it would have made much of a scene. They were standing directly under a fairly strong light and would have made a sharp picture of their first kiss as a married couple. During the whole ceremony though, ahhh I couldn't stop smiling.
After the ceremony and the family pictures, I kept the couple behind for a few more minutes to make pictures, before rushing off to the reception. The first photo in this post is under that light, with the rest of the church's lights turned off.
The obligatory best man toast was a near disaster. A few days before the wedding I give Skyler a call. I ask if they're expecting a speech from me. He says he doesn't think so. I don't really believe him, his involvement in the wedding preparation was minimal. So I plan out some stuff, getting a fairly good idea.. a nice, short speech.
But when his dad called out my name to get up there in front of everyone and say something prophetic, I lost it. Nothing. I manage to build up something of a story before the nerves kick in, but right as I get going I realize I'm standing in front of a big crowd (by my public speaking standards), and my voice goes shaky. I was choking up! Luckily Skyler could smell my fear, or see it smeared across my shaking face, and stepped in and just gave me a toast. Thank God.. back to lurking in the shadows.
So that disaster somewhat averted, Skyler and Amber asked if I could come with them to their honeymoon bed and breakfast suite and make some more elegant pictures.
After the ceremony and the family pictures, I kept the couple behind for a few more minutes to make pictures, before rushing off to the reception. The first photo in this post is under that light, with the rest of the church's lights turned off.
The obligatory best man toast was a near disaster. A few days before the wedding I give Skyler a call. I ask if they're expecting a speech from me. He says he doesn't think so. I don't really believe him, his involvement in the wedding preparation was minimal. So I plan out some stuff, getting a fairly good idea.. a nice, short speech.
But when his dad called out my name to get up there in front of everyone and say something prophetic, I lost it. Nothing. I manage to build up something of a story before the nerves kick in, but right as I get going I realize I'm standing in front of a big crowd (by my public speaking standards), and my voice goes shaky. I was choking up! Luckily Skyler could smell my fear, or see it smeared across my shaking face, and stepped in and just gave me a toast. Thank God.. back to lurking in the shadows.
So that disaster somewhat averted, Skyler and Amber asked if I could come with them to their honeymoon bed and breakfast suite and make some more elegant pictures.

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