memories. dreams.

this is a blog involving pictures, love, words, thoughts, wanderers and smiles - by john paul henry
Sunburned. Windblown. Hot taste of asphalt in the dry, pre-summer air. Not quite the Midwest humid I've learned to dread but that inbetween stage, this beautiful month of May.
I spent last week driving through central Kansas. Baseball and swimming and soccer and baseball. Manhattan. Topeka. I-70. Gas station coffee at 10:30. 15 minute nap in a mall parking lot. Sunburned arms. Paste white shoulders.
All that time and no time to photograph for me. Yesterday I made time. Carved a couple hours out of my day, pulled off the interstate and stood on my red, battered Jeep in the middle of a great plains grass.
See here's the thing. Anyone can love the mountains. That's easy. But can you love Kansas?
Here are a few more pictures from a self-assigned essay I wanted to continue about the youth of the Old German Baptists Brethren. Members of this religion number up to 6,000 nation-wide. As I listened to sermons, talked with members and the sons and daughters of those members about rejecting television, radio, the Internet because of temptation I thought about how I would feel growing up with the religion. Divided.. or curious about those temptations... or maybe perfectly happy without them...
Each year the Old German Baptists old a conference to discuss changes in society, how they affect the church and the future of the church. This year that conference is being held in rural Douglas County. 5,000 of the estimated 6,000 members of the church travel to the conference. Inadvertently the youth, and the future of the church, are in tow. Yesterday I worked on a story about the youth.
Hanging outside the Pig... more strange characters and shapes forming in my life. They materialize and I go with it.
A couple from a high school pitching staff portrait session. The first guy's last name is Lown, while the other kid is the freshman of the bunch.
Long day today. Productive, difficult and enjoyable. Went from starting to work on my farmers tan to being straight burnt tomorrow. About to drive to St. Louis for a day with the family, then photographing Cinco de Mayo in the evening and my first couch surfing experience later. I wanted to post the picture of my couch but don't have it on this computer. Ahh if there is wifi at the hotel room tonight with my family I'll post more.
It's May 3 and I haven't been this excited about anything in a long time. I don't know what it is in particular that I'm even excited about, but I feel it. Everything is buzzing and happening right now. I'm in one constant state of stretching.. like I'm getting out of bed fully energized and take that one huge, happy inhaling stretch and now I'm stuck in the most beautiful way.
Man this blog has kept me afloat for awhile. It might not seem like I write much.. and I really don't. But when I post photos I'm thinking and it's been therapeutic. Thanks for looking, those of you who do.
The fruit of a portrait shootout between Laura and myself while walking around downtown Kansas City last night. A storm was brewing all night and we walked around in the wind and laughed at the lightning.
Ole Bittle catching his breath in a powdery snowbank. It was his second day being on a board and he did very well.. considering the people we rented the board from set him up goofy when he shouldn't have been. The other half of his exhaustion is pretty much my fault... I'm notorious for taking people down black diamonds on their first day...